Friday, September 13, 2013

Crab Salad with Sting Ray Granite

Blue Crab Bay Recipe : Crab Salad with Sting Ray Granite

  • Granite:
  • 2 c. Blue Crab Bay Co.® Sting Ray® Bloody Mary Mixer
  • Juice and zest of one lemon
  • 1 tbsp. Blue Crab Bay Co.® Herbs for Seafood
  • 1/3 c. lemon-flavored vodka
  • Salt
  • Freshly ground pepper
  • Options: grated horseradish, Worcestershire sauce, cayenne, sugar
  • Salad:
  • 1/2 lb. Bay Beyond® Backfin Lump Crabmeat
  • 1/2 c. extra-virgin olive oil
  • Juice and zest from 1 lemon
  • 11/2 c. chopped arugula
  • 2 tbsp. shallots, minced
  • 2 tbsp. red bell pepper, minced
  • 2 tbsp. capers, drained
  • 1 tsp. Blue Crab Bay Co.® Herbs for Seafood
  • Salt
  • Freshly ground pepper
  • Ganish:
  • Pickled shrimp
  • Cilantro, chopped
For granite, combine first four ingredients, then season with salt and pepper to taste; add options as desired. Pour into shallow container, and place in freezer. Run a fork through granite every 30 minutes while freezing to achieve granular texture. For salad, gently fold together all ingredients except seasonings. Avoid breaking crab lumps. Season with herbs; add salt and pepper to taste. Keep refrigerated until ready to serve. Fill four martini glases with salad, top with ganite, garnish, and serve wih cocktail forks. Servs four.

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