Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Dressing over Salmon and Summer Vegetable Salad

Dressing over Salmon and Summer Vegetable Salad
Cat McKenzie
1 diced red pepper
1 diced yellow pepper
¼ lb sugar snap peas chopped 1/8 thickness
1 bunch diced radish
½ head of blanched and torn lacinato kale
½ pint black berries or defrosted frozen blackberries without the juice
Small handful diced cilantro
2 tbl spoon coconut oil
1 lb of precooked salmon broken up
½ cup tamari toasted pumpkin seeds
Oregon Blackberry-ginger dressing
1 stalk celery
¼ diced medium onion
3 tbl spoon olive oil
½ cup strained blackberry juice
(use fine mesh strainer to sift the seeds from the juice)
Juice from ½ a lemon
2 pinch salt
2 dash turmeric
4 dash cayenne pepper
Heaping teaspoon of honey
2 tbl spoon grated ginger
2 minced garlic cloves

Mix the salad dressing ingredients in a blender and adjust to taste. Sauté red and yellow peppers and radishes in coconut oil for 1-2 minutes or until slightly softened. Mix vegetables, kale, and salmon. Mix in the berries and toss with salad dressing to taste.

Season with salt to taste.
Use extra salad as an addition to greens, stuffing for lettuce wraps or tortillas. Refrigerate dressing when done. Will keep for a week.

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