Friday, June 21, 2013

15 UNBELIEVABLE Raw (No-Bake) Dessert Recipes for Summer By One Green Planet

Raw Desserts: A Great Choice!
 In addition to being incredibly tasty, raw (no-bake) desserts can also be some of the healthiest and most planet-friendly options in the warm summer months. Here are a few reasons we think raw desserts are a a great choice! 
  1. Raw desserts often feature a short list of whole, unprocessed ingredients like nuts, seeds and dried fruit.
  2. They get their sweetness from dried fruit, raw agave nectar, and other natural sweeteners. No refined or artificial sweeteners here!
  3. They are no-bake! Great for the warmth of spring or summer, and also for energy conservation, you can avoid cranking up the oven to 350 when making a raw dessert.
  4. Most raw desserts are gluten-free and vegan!
Are you ready to try a raw dessert yet?! Here a collection of our favorite recipes:

1. Raw, Vegan Carrot Cake Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting

Ingredients: For the cupcakes:
  • 1 cup walnuts (not soaked)
  • 1 cup dates
  • 2 cups grated raw carrots, squeezed well through cheesecloth or with paper towel to remove as much excess moisture as possible (this is important!)
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp ginger
  • Dash nutmeg
  • 1/8 tsp sea salt
  • 3/4 cup raisins
For the frosting: makes about 1 cup
  • 1 cup cashews, soaked 1+ hours 
  • 1/3 cup agave syrup
  • Dash sea salt
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • Water
  1. Process the dates and walnuts in a food processor fitted with the S blade till they are crumbly, but holding together. 
  2. Add grated carrots and spices. Process till the mix has taken the form of a smooth "dough."
  3. Add raisins and pulse to combine.
  4. For the frosting: rinse cashews and place in a food processor with agave, salt and lemon. Process until the mixture is well combined. With the motor running, add just enough water as the motor is running to get the frosting consistency you want.
  5. Push the carrot cake dough into six muffin tins or ramekins and refrigerate for about an hour. Remove from the fridge, and get frosting! 
  6. Serve, snack, and savor.

2. Raw Mini Chocolate Cream Cakes
Our chocolate cream cakes are not only healthy and easy to make, they are raw and gluten freetoo! Plus perfect individual serving! Plus this recipe can be easily changed to your taste preference. We used pecans in crust, but any nut would work. For the filling, we used cashews as they provide the best cream. But macadamia nuts would be okay. We reduced the amount of sugar in these chocolate cream cakes, so adjust to your liking.

3. Raw Double Chocolate Cherry Cheesecake

Raw chocolate, or better known in the raw food world as "raw cacao" is an amazing source of magnesium (great for helping you relax), as well as an astounding way to gobble up antioxidants. And, it contains phenylethylamine (PEA) - this is what our brains secrete when we fall in love. Ooooh!

4. Raw Carrot-Orange Cupcakes
You will love these cute, delicious, smooth and creamy raw cupcakes! This recipe uses walnuts instead of cashews and the texture is perfect when they are frozen!

5. Raw Caramel Apple Pie

This is a raw apple pie, but it's just as filling and comforting as any cooked version and would be suitable for any festivities of the season.

6. Raw Chocolate Fudge Cake

 This chocolate fudge cake tastes like a raw version of chocolate mousse pie! Sugar-free? Check!Gluten-free? Check! Insanely-delicious? Check check check!

7. Raw Strawberry Chocolate Coconut Pie

 This recipe combines the best parts of several desserts. It includes a light macadamia crust from one recipe, a chocolate ganache from another recipe, and a coconut cream from yet another, with fresh strawberries to make it even more delicious 

8. Raw Walnut Coffee Cake with a Brownie Base

The beauty of vegan baking and raw cake-making is that you can totally reinvent classic dishes. That way, you get to enjoy two versions: the more traditional, familiar recipe, and the new, tantalizing recipe. The brownie base is a cheeky wink to all the chocolate lovers out there: it makes this cake even more indulgent!

9. Raw Carob Caramel Cups

These are just plain good. They are the perfect recipe for anyone because raw food skeptics will be like: "Oh snap. This is HEALTHY?"

10. Raw Vanilla Cake with Chocolate "Buttercream" and Maca

 This is based on the Dobos torte, which is vanilla sponge cake, thinly layered with chocolate buttercream and topped with hard caramel slices. But this is way better!

11. Raw Carrot Cake with Cashew Cream Cheese Frosting

 We all love(d) the classic dessert version of carrot cake, but we're not crazy about the processed ingredients like white sugar, refined flour, pasteurized butter and cream cheese. We decided to remake this baby with healthy whole foods! Consider it DONE. 

12. Raw Chocolate Molten Lava Cakes

If you like chocolate, you'll love this. It's like a mega awesome super chocolate party in your mouth which this results in an excellent, ethereal sense of well being.

13. Raw Chocolate Chunk Cheesecake with Peanut Butter and Coconut

Vanilla chocolate chunk cheesecake with peanut butter + coconut. Just perfect!

14. Raw Cacao Sea Salt Caramel Cups

The name speaks for itself. How could dark chocolate, sea salt, and caramel go wrong? If you are in opposition we highly suggest that you venture out and create these delightful cups of happiness.

15. Raw Orange and Blueberry Cheesecake

This is delectable! All fruit, all the time. This cake has a vibrant array of colours that are naturally pleasing to your pretty little eyes. Loved these recipes? Check out more amazing raw vegan dessert recipes here!

This post was originally published on One Green Planet.

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