Friday, October 4, 2013

Perfect Butternut Squash Dip

Perfect Butternut Squash Dip
1 15 oz. can organic butternut squash
4 heaping Tbsp zesty garlic hummus
1/4 cup organic maple syrup
1 tsp dried organic orange peel (spice bottle)
2-3 Tbsp soy creamer (plain flavor)
*the soy creamer will affect the thick-thinness of your dip.
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp fresh black pepper
5 large fresh sage leaves, finely chopped
optional: dash of cayenne for a spicy accent, dash of cinnamon to turn up the 'warm' fall flavor

1. Spoon butternut squash puree into a small-medium mixing bowl.
2. Add hummus, maple syrup, soy creamer, orange peel, salt and pepper.
3. Whip mix well until dip is smooth and well blended.
4. Fold in a pinch of sage leaves.
5. Microwave on high for 1 minute or until dip is warm. (Heating dip allows for the flavors to mesh together.)
6. Fold in the rest of your sage leaves and your salt to taste. If adding cayenne and/or cinnamon, fold in a dash now. Microwave for another 20 seconds, whip well again.
7. Spoon dip into a serving dish. Garnish with a fresh sage leaf.
8. Serve with crostini bread, crackers or veggie sticks. This dip is to be served luke warm to room temperature. So if it sits out for a while, that's OK. But if you'd prefer, you can serve it warm-hot.

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