Sunday, October 20, 2013

Mixed Nuts Greek Baklavas with Cardamom Syrup

Mixed nuts Greek baklavas with cardamom syrup

Baklavas (Greek-style or from any other country) doesn't need much of an introduction, does it? It is one of those desserts that, although "old-fashioned" (to some...), remains a classic dessert which never fails to please and there are plenty of variations which somebody could try and always with the same result: just delicious! In various areas of Greece it is considered as the main Christmas period treat and today we have a version (maybe not so traditional) with its syrup infused with the distinctive aroma and taste of cardamom

Recipe of Vassilis Kallides,
from "Cook Book" magazine of "ETHNOS" newspaper

Ingredients (for 1 medium-sized oven pan)

For the baklavas:
6 as thin as possible phyllo pastry sheets (homemade or store bought)
3/4 of a water-glass of olive oil
1 tea-cup of granulated sugar
½ tea-cup of finely chopped walnuts
½ tea-cup of finely chopped blanched almonds (unsalted), toasted
½ tea-cup of Aegina pistachios (unsalted), cut in half
½ tea-cup of sesame seeds, toasted
½ tea-cup of very fine breadcrumbs
1 tsp of ground cinnamon
1 tsp of ground cloves

For the syrup:
1 water-glass of granulated sugar
2 glasses of water
a few drops of lemon juice
6-7 cardamom seeds, lightly crushed

Preheat the oven to 160°C.

Put in a bowl the chopped nuts, the sesame seeds, the sugar, the cinnamon and the cloves and stir well with a spoon.

Brush the bottom and the sides of the pan with some oil and lay at the bottom the first phyllo sheet.

Sprinkle with some of the filling and continue laying the second phyllo sheet. Brush with some oil and continue in the same way until all the phyllo and the filling are used.

Firmly press the surface of the baklavas with your hands and brush with oil the top phyllo sheet. Using a sharp knife score the top phyllo sheet into square or diamond shape pieces and drizzle the surface with a bit of water.

Put in the oven and bake for about 1 hour, until the baklavas is golden and the phyllo sheets are cooked through.

In the meantime, put all the syrup ingredients into a saucepan and boil in medium heat for about 10 minutes.

Take the baklava out of the oven and leave aside to cool down a bit. While it is still lukewarm pour over the syrup little by little (using a ladle) making sure all the surface is coated well.

Leave the dessert to rest all night so to absorb the syrup properly and serve the next day.
Amateur Cook Professional Eater

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