Friday, October 4, 2013

Easy Eggnog Pumpkin Pie

Easy Eggnog Pumpkin Pie
Alan Richardson

Easy Eggnog Pumpkin Pie

1 can(s) (15 ounces) Pure Pumpkin (Not Pumpkin-Pie Mix)
1 1/4 cup(s) Prepared Eggnog
2/3 cup(s) Sugar
1 1/2 teaspoon(s) (plus additional for garnish) Pumpkin-Pie Spice
1/4 teaspoon(s) Salt
3 large Eggs
1 9-inch) Frozen Deep-Dish Piecrust
Whipped Cream For Garnish

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. In large bowl, with wire whisk, mix pumpkin, eggnog, sugar, spice, salt, and eggs until well blended. Place frozen piecrust on cookie sheet on oven rack; pour in pumpkin mixture (mixture will come up to almost top of piecrust).

Bake pie 60 to 65 minutes or until filling puffs up around edges and center is just set but not puffed. Cool pie completely on wire rack. Refrigerate until ready to serve or up to 1 day. Garnish each serving with whipped cream sprinkled with pumpkin-pie spice.

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