Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Bible Diet Foods

 Bible Diet Pyramid

4 Bible Food Groups

1. Trees whose edible yield is bearing seed or is seeds. (click here)
2. Plants whose edible yield is bearing seed or is seeds.
3. Field plants , herbs, roots, leafy vegetables.
4. Clean Meat (click here)

Bible Foods and the Pyramid

The Bible diet pyramid displays the relevant merit of the four Bible food groups. Although we should eat more vegetables and herbs by volume, the nobler tree foods nearer the base are more highly esteemed and hold the greater priority when planning meals.
These three plant food groups follow the order of mention in the creation account as well as the subsequent order in which they were given to mankind for food.
The biblical diet plan may seem similar to vegetarian, kosher, halal or vegan diets. However, not all fruit and vegetables are equal. A hierarchy of food relevance is established based on how seeds are propagated within the tree, plant or herb. Each of the three groups of plant food are distinctly individual and satisfy differing nutritional and health needs. We sometimes use the terms fruit and vegetable loosely to describe plant foods, but the Bible makes a clear distinction.
The Bible health plan indicates that fruit, vegetables, nuts, whole grains and legumes are the foundation of a healthy diet. Herbs, exercise, water and sunshine are also essential for happiness. Safe, clean meat; meat by-products and vegetable oils are optional.

Bible Diet Verses

God's Biblical Diet in Scripture

Who is the authority on eating right? God established His diet plan at the foundation of the world and gave it to Adam in Eden. The same principles and simple guidelines have been passed down the ages to us through scripture. If we take a few minutes to understand, and we make an effort to adopt God's plan, we will be rewarded with health, happiness and a more abundant life.

The Original Biblical Diet Plan

bible verse 1
God said, "I have given you every plant with seeds on the face of the earth and every tree that has fruit with seeds. This will be your food." Genesis 1:29
There are two colorful food classes contained within this group for mankind:
  • 1. every tree bearing seed 
    Examples: apples, avocados, grapefruit, pecans, papaya, cherries, olives
  • 2. every plant bearing seed 
    Examples: tomatoes, beans, lentils, wheat, berries, squash, corn, rye
Click here to read more about the original diet plan...

Herbs of the Field

Medicinal Foods and Herbs

bible verse 6He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth. Psalm 104:14
Although fruits and vegetables bearing seed are superior biblical foods, those plants considered to be plants of the fieldare an invaluable addition to our diet. The benefits of herbs extend beyond nutrition to cleanse the blood and boost the immune system for example. Actually, each variety of herb contributes an unique service to humanity. Everyone should experiment and find those herbs that are useful to them. Many suffer needlessly when natural, helpful remedies are readily available.
Herbs and a healthy diet can work together not only to relieve and cure disease but to actually address the conditions that caused the illness in the first place. Some herbs do provide immediate comfort. However, unlike prescription drugs, most herbs work gradually and in the "by and by" not just to mask symptoms but to actually correct the cause of the illness.
Obviously, not every plant is suitable for food. Some spices and drinks that we have adopted into our diet are more harmful than good. For example, overuse of black pepper, cinnamon, coffee and some teas can be an irritant to our system. However, many herbs that are not edible may still be beneficial used externally as a poultice. Keep a book of herbs at hand in your home and become familiar with simple, natural remedies. You will be rewarded with a higher quality of life.
Click here to read why herbs were added to our diet

Bible Foods and Health Tips

To Everything There is a Season

Eating Meat

Meat Laws

bible verse 1
You are therefore to make a distinction between the clean animal and the unclean, and between the unclean bird and the clean; and you shall not make yourselves detestable by animal or by bird or by anything that creeps on the ground, which I have separated for you as unclean.
Leviticus 20:25
The Bible dietary restrictions regarding clean meat are easy to understand. For land animals to be considered clean, they must both chew the cud and have a divided or cloven hoof. Fish must have both scales and fins. Generally, birds are considered to be clean. The exceptions are birds of prey, bats, winged insects (excepting grasshoppers), scavenger birds etc.
View Clean Animal Examples List

Biblical Diet Food Summary

Bible Diet

1. Tree fruit bearing seed. 2. Plant food bearing seed. 3. Helpful herbs. 4. Optional clean meat.

These foods hold the seeds that yield a bountiful life and are essential to the biblical diet health food plan.

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