Before sending your little superheroes and Frozen characters out on their candy mission, be sure to fill their tummies with healthy Halloween foods. This will give them much-needed energy for the cold night, and may reduce their urge to eat their stash in one fell swoop.
Tomato Basil Soup
Soup is a perfect way to warm up before setting out on a candy hunt. Serve this yummy soup, which you could advertise as Dracula's blood soup. Serve with whole grain rolls.
Pork With Zucchini and Tomatoes
Pork loin is about as lean as chicken and makes a great white-meat alternative. Here, thin boneless pork cutlets from Trader Joe's form the basis of this simple skillet supper of pork, zucchini and tomatoes.
Sausage and Beans
Lean sausages and beans make a hearty and healthy dinner option, which you could present to your kids as fat fingers
Hearty Turkey Chili
There are all kinds of ways to make chili: with meat; without meat; and if you use meat, different kinds of meat. This particular low fat chili uses ground turkey, which is nice and lean, and good alternative to ground beef.
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