Friday, November 15, 2013

Classic Thanksgiving Menu and Recipes

Classic Thanksgiving Menu and Recipes

[Many choice links below]

Whenever I read a story about Thanksgiving, the food never varies. Roasted turkey, chestnut 
stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and light and fluffy rolls are the centerpiece. The side dishes, 
salads, and desserts may vary, but those staples do not change.
So I developed this menu that follows the classic pattern. You can cook a frozen turkey or roast
a fresh or thawed bird and the results will be wonderful. But do try my Chestnut Stuffing and
Old Fashioned Turkey Gravy, since they are so delicious. Mix and match the side dishes and
salads as you'd like, and I always recommend more than one dessert.
Enjoy this classic Thanksgiving menu and recipes. And have a happy and safe holiday with
family and friends.

Classic Thanksgiving Menu and Recipes

  • Filo Onion Rolls
    These crisp little rolls are the perfect thing to whet your appetite. They'll also keep guests 
  • out of the kitchen when you're whirling around!
  • My Favorite Roasted Turkey
    This is the way my grandmother prepared turkey, and I think it's still the best. The 
  • cheesecloth draping keeps the breast moist and holds in all the flavor.
  • Chestnut Stuffing
    Unshelled chestnuts are usually found in grocery stores this time of year. If you want a 
  • classic stuffing (or dressing), roast and shell them yourself. I've found a great source for 
  • shelled, roasted chestnuts if you want to make it easier.
  • Old Fashioned Turkey Gravy
    The secret to the best gravy is enough salt. If you have a rich turkey stock and use the 
  • turkey drippings, with enough salt your gravy will be fabulous.
  • Traditional Mashed Potatoes
    The secret to the best potatoes is to shake them over low heat after they have been cooked 
  • and drained. And add butter first, so they are light and fluffy.
  • Glazed Sweet Potatoes
    This simple recipe is a perfect choice for this classic menu.
  • Creamy Molded Cranberry Salad
    This beautiful salad adds a welcome note of color to your Thanksgiving table. It's tart and 
  • sweet, smooth and crunchy.
  • My Grandmother's Parker House Rolls
    Well, there's not a lot more I can say about these rolls. They're perfection!
  • Fruit Salad with Poppyseed Dressing
    Fresh fruit has a place on the classic Thanksgiving table. The contrast of sweet, tart and cool fruits is wonderful against the richness of the rest of the meal.
  • Green Beans Amandine
    This lighter side dish is colorful and fresh too. You can use pecans or walnuts in place of the almonds if you'd like.
  • Frozen Pumpkin Pie
    I like this pumpkin pie better than the classic simply because it's a bit lighter tasting.
  • Angel Cheesecake Pie
    This is my favorite pie recipe of all time. It's fluffy, velvety smooth and creamy, and the 
  • filling contrasts perfectly with the cookie crust and crumble topping.

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