Sunday, January 5, 2014

Tillie O'Toole's Meringues

Tillie O'Toole's Meringues
Contributed by a Helen. Thanks for sending this in!

 • 4 egg whites
 • 1 cup castor sugar (icing sugar)
 • pink and green food coloring (optional)

 • whipped cream
 1.  Beat the egg whites until stiff but not yet dry.
 2.  Fold in half the sugar and beat again until the mixture will stand in a firm dry peak.
 3.  Fold the remaining sugar in carefully.
 4.  Divide the mixture into three bowls.
 5.  Add a few drops of pink food coloring to one and a few drops of green to the second, leaving the third
     one white. Mix both to a delicate pale color.
 6.  Line a baking tray with parchment paper or tinfoil and spoon blobs of mixture on to the top.
 7.  Bake in a preheated oven at 200' F. (100' C/ gas mark 1/4) for about 4 (four) hours.
 8.  Allow to cool, then sandwich together in pairs with whipped cream.

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