Monday, November 11, 2013

Virginia Oysters – Things to Know About the Crassostrea Virginica

Virginia Oysters – Things to Know About the Crassostrea Virginica

Virginia Oysters – Things to Know About the Crassostrea Virginica© Rachel Cooper, licensed to, Inc.

Did you know that Virginia is the largest producer of fresh, farm-raised oysters in the country? Over the past decade, aquaculture techniques have made oysters available year round and the Virginia oyster harvest has increased ten-fold, from 23,000 bushels in 2001 to 236,000 bushels in 2011. The salinity levels of the Chesapeake Bay and its major tributaries are ideal for sustaining great tasting shellfish. Virginia oysters are available at restaurants, seafood markets and retail stores in the Mid-Atlantic region.

All oysters grown on the east coast are of the same species, called Crassostrea Virginica. Oysters take on the flavor of the waters in which they are harvested. With seven different coastal habitats, the flavors of Virginia oysters range from salty to buttery to sweet. Some of the creeks on the Virginia Eastern Shore are no more than a mile apart. Yet the oysters from each region take on different nuances in flavor, texture and appearance.

Oyster Regions in Virginia

Virginia’s oyster regions stretch from the length ofVirginia’s Eastern Shore, into the Chesapeake Bay, coastal rivers and down to the Lynnhaven Inlet of Virginia Beach. The coastal waters include a range of salinities from low salinity 5-12ppt, medium salinity 12-20ppt and to a high salinity over 20ppt.

1. Seaside
2. Upper Bay Eastern Shore
3. Lower Bay Eastern Shore
4. Upper Bay Western Shore
5. Middle Bay Western Shore
6. Lower Bay Western Shore
7. Tidewater

See a Virginia Oyster tasting guide and region map (produced by the Virginia Marine Products 

Oyster Harvesting

Historically, oysters were only eaten during months whose names contain an “R”. The quality 
was poor during summer because the oysters had just finished spawning. Oyster harvesting 
or farming has emerged in recent years, utilizing improved culture techniques and 
disease-resistant oyster seed. Triploid oysters are sterile, grow fast and can be harvested 
year-round. They are being raised in cages or on private reefs in an environmentally friendly 
way to keep up with consumer demand. Virginia’s waters and products are regulated by federal 
and state agencies including the FDA, the Virginia Department of Health, the Virginia 
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, and the Virginia Marine Resources Commission.

Eating Oysters

Oysters can be eaten raw, steamed, grilled and fried. They can also be cooked in a stew. 
Raw oysters are usually served with lemon juice, vinegar or cocktail sauce. Like fine wine, 
raw oysters have complex flavors. If you eat them often, you will learn to differentiate the 
oysters from different regions and know which ones you prefer.

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