Sunday, October 20, 2013

Little Cakes filled with Lemon Cream and Aegina pistachios

Little cakes filled with lemon cream and Aegina pistachios

Easy and delicious mini cakes to enjoy with your coffee and tea, to serve at a kids party or to have it as a snack any time of the day. If you double the quantities of the ingredients you can make a whole cake, baking for 60 minutes. When it is cold, cut the cake in half (lengthwise), spread between the two pieces the lemon curd and sprinkle on top with the pistachios

Κεϊκ με φυστίκια αιγίνης και κρέμα λεμονιού

Recipe from "Cook Book" magazine of "ETHNOS" newspaper

Ingredients (for 12 pieces)

For the cakes:
250gr. of self raising flour
1 tsp of baking powder
125gr. of butter
100gr. of Aegina pistachios (unsalted), roughly chopped
150 ml of milk
2 eggs
150gr. of granulated sugar
pinch of salt

For the lemon cream:
4 lemons, the zest and the juice
225gr. of granulated sugar
125gr. of butter
4 eggs, beaten

finely chopped pistachios to sprinkle

Preheat the oven to 180°C.

Mix the flour with the baking powder in a small bowl.

In the bowl of a standing mixer beat the butter with the sugar for 3 minutes until you have a fluffy and creamy mixture. Add the eggs one at a time and alternately themilk and the flour, until all the ingredients are used up. In the end, add the pistachios in the mixture stirring gently with a spatula.

Brush with butter and dust with flour 12 individual cake tins (or paper cake cases or a 12-case muffin tray) and fill them up to 3/4 with the mixture.

Put in the oven and bake for about 20-30 minutes.

In the meantime, put in a saucepan the lemon juice and the zest, the sugar and the butter and warm in low heat,stirring constantly with a wooden spoon until the sugar is dissolved.

Take the saucepan off the heat, add the beaten eggs in and using the "bain marie" method constantly stir the mixture until it becomes a thick cream.

Take the cakes out of the oven and leave to cool down. Just before serving, and using a small spoon, carefully take out some of the dough from the centre (on the top) of each cake and fill with the lemon cream.

Sprinkle with the chopped pistachios and serve.
Amateur Cook Professional Eater

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