Sunday, October 20, 2013

Coconut Whipped Cream for Desserts & Cake Frosting

Coconut Whipped Cream for Desserts & Cake Frosting

It’s super easy! It’s super delicious! Here’s our little how-to on making coconut whipped cream for desserts, and using it as frosting for cakes (our preferred cake coater!).  If it turns into THE dessert, we won’t judge :-]

MAKE the Whipped Coconut Cream

This is essentially a one ingredient recipe.
The ingredient: A Can of Full-Fat Coconut Milk. The full fat variety is essential to the separation and whipping potential of the cream.
  1. Pour entire contents of the coconut milk into a bowl, and chill overnight – this allows it to separate
    We sometimes go 2 days! The longer the wait, the better the reward!
  2. Drain the liquid into another container. Save it for other baking and cooking uses!
  3. That awesome-looking firm cream that’s left in the bowl – Whip that up!
    Add to this a bit of sweetener (cane sugar, etc), and if you care, additional flavoring. We like to make raspberry creams! lemon creams!! almond creams!!! The choice is up to you
  4. Store the cream in the refrigerator for future use

USE the Whipped Cream

As Cake Frosting:
  • Stack cake layers with cream in between them. Cover them in cling wrap and store in refrigerator overnight. The cake will be more cohesive when decorated and moist when eaten
  • Spread the whipped cream, as you would any frosting, around the entirety of the cake
    >>The secret here is to use a wet knife! Wetting the knife will give better slip to allow for spreading the cream evenly
  • Store the finished frosted cake in the refrigerator to set a few hours. It can be kept overnight.
  • To enjoy the cake at its peak, take it out 20-30 minutes before eating

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